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Bluer Shade of Green Arpeggio & Solo

Hot off the presses, here's an excerpt on a song I wrote a while back entitled "Bluer Shade of Green," from my brand new course, Bluegrass Guitarpeggios!


I'm excited to share with you a new video from my latest guitar course, Bluegrass Guitarpeggios! The video comes from Section 8, Lecture 5 of my new course.

In this video (which you can also view here if for some reason the player above isn't working), I'll share an arpeggio I came up with inspired by one I heard from Bryan Sutton's performance of his song "Decision at Glady Fork." This one comes from a song I wrote several years back entitled "Bluer Shade of Green."

Bluer Shade of Green: Behind the Song

I wrote the song as a classic Bluegrass tune about a breakup—but with a twist. The twist is that the person who's getting dumped is happy to help the person doing the dumping pack their bags and leave. The term "bluer shade of green" came from the idea of the word Bluegrass—or Blue grass as opposed to Green grass.

Also, the term "blue" usually denotes sadness, so instead of being sad, the person being dumped is choosing to change the green grass into blue grass, thus Bluegrass, which will help him/her cope with the loss. (Hopefully, all this isn't too confusing!)

Bluer Shade of Green: Included in the Tab Pack

I've also created a tablature pack that includes the following awesome benefits:

  • Bonus Track from the original Bluer Shade of Green album
  • Fully Transcribed Tabs of the Arpeggio and Bonus Solo
  • Guitar Pro 7.5 files (.gp)
  • Audio Tracks for the Tab files​​​​

The bonus track is from the original Bluer Shade of Green album by Wilder Mountain, a Bluegrass band I used to play with years ago. We recorded two albums, Bluer Shade of Green and Wilder Mountain Coal before going our separate ways.

The arpeggio I discuss in the video is inspired by Bryan Sutton's performance of his song "Decision at Glady Fork, which you'll likely notice in the bonus transcription of the full solo I performed on the track.

For those of you who are super geeky about learning, you'll also be getting the Guitar Pro (.gp) files, which work with Guitar Pro 7.5.

Lastly, in regards to the audio for the tab files, I've exported the full solo audio with and without a metronome so that you'll be able to get a better idea of the timing of the solo.

*The song Bluer Shade of Green and all materials here Copyright © 2018 by Eric Beaty

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the Full Course!

Bluegrass Guitarpeggios (White Bckgd)

You can get this tab pack and many others by purchasing the full course.

Click the button below to get access to the course and see free previews.

Total duration:   3.5h

40+ HD 1080p Video Lectures

additional materials:   pdf, videos, tabs, mp3

Multi-angle videos

Bonus Content

Links, Videos, Neck Diagrams, Jam Tracks

course type


Additional Formats (Coming soon)

Download, DVD, and USB stick